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Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

This coffee is grown by farmers who are part of the Siane Organic Agricultural Cooperative (SOAC), based in the Chuave district of Chimbu Province, Papua New Guinea. The SOAC functions as a support for farmers when they enter the international coffee...


Our Mexico coffee is of the Altura variety and comes from Chiapas and Oaxaca, southern states in Mexico. Altura is a term applied to coffee beans that are grown in mountainous regions like these two states. The high altitude and ideal climate conditions...


Our Guatemala coffee is grown on farms nearly 4,500 feet above sea level. Coffee coming from this high up tends to grow harder and denser than coffee farmed at lower altitudes, giving our Guatemala coffee the classification of strictly hard bean (SHB)...


The Guji region of Ethiopia is swathed in heavy forests thanks to the Guji tribe, which has prevented numerous mining and logging operations from disturbing this distant, lush land. Because of these environmental preservation efforts, Guji has remained a...
Costa Rica

Costa Rica

The coffee cherries that make up our Costa Rica coffee come from multiple small farms and are processed together at Cooperativa de Caficultores y de Servicios Múltiples de Palmares (Coopepalmares). This cooperative is home to state-of-the-art...


This coffee hails from a variety of small, community-run coffee farms in Colombia. In Colombia, beans are classified by size under the labels excelso or supremo. Supremo beans are slightly larger than excelso beans, but excelso beans are more common. The...


Our Brazil coffee comes from the Mantequiera de Minas region of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The farms in this region are relatively small and traditional, a contrast from most Brazilian coffee farms, which are very large and highly mechanized. The Mantequeria...